The Voice of the Greenwood Lake Business Community

Dedicated to Promoting

A Positive Business Community

The strength of the Greenwood Lake Chamber of Commerce lies within our community and our members. As an investor in the Chamber, you join over 50 businesses that are contributing to the future of the Warwick Valley Region. As the voice of the business community, the Chamber works to partner with you to accomplish what no individual or single business can do alone.

Extreme Sports Bike
Extreme Sports Bike
Extreme Sports Mountain Climbing
Extreme Sports Mountain Climbing

Join or Renew Your Chamber Membership Today

Company Membership

nonprofit Organization

Individual Membership

Greenwood Lake Chamber Officers


Brenda B. Wiley
Howard Hanna | Rand Realty

Vice President

Lisa Milano


Maureen Mulcahy
Waterstone Inn


Yolanda Sly Kozuha
Greenwood Lake Roasters


Duane Peek


Chad Pilieri

Grow Local Greenwood Lake


Karen Wintrow

Lakeside Farmers Market at Greenwood Lake


Michael Contaxis

SERVPRO of Orange County, Sullivan & S. Ulster Counties

Local Links of Interest